
Deborah Osei-Tutu: First to graduate KNUST’s Physics department as Best Student

Deborah Osei-Tutu is the first to have graduated from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology as the Best Student in the Department of Physics with a CWA of 80.06% ever since the establishment of the department.

Deborah write;

I am Deborah Osei-Tutu, the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Osei-Tutu. I attended New World International School, in Atonsu- Kumasi where I studied for my Basic Education Certificate Examination, and later Wesley Girls’ High School in Cape Coast, for my West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations.

In 2021, I graduated from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology as the Best Student in the Department of Physics with a CWA of 80.06% (the highest CWA since the establishment of the department).

I am currently working as a Research and Teaching assistant in the Department of Physics, KNUST. Over the years, I have desired to become a very influential educationist. Time and again, I share with friends that I want to be a teacher that would help transform both the mind and hearts of men.

It was never a problem to me even if it meant becoming a teacher in kindergarten to achieve this dream. Nevertheless, my dream took a detour after completion of SHS; the youth become my target group, the natural environment my concern, and Physics of the earth my interest.

Having obtained 8A’s in my WASSCE exams, my father wanted me to read Human Biology and become a medical doctor in the future and that would have been his greatest pride. Honestly, it was a challenging one for Daddy to accept my choice. I was part of the selected students to read Human biology in KNUST in 2017 but had to reject that, without Daddy’s knowledge.

In a mop-up interview organized for the enlisted candidates, I confidently voiced out my passion and preference for Physics over Medicine and that was the beginning of my journey. Now Daddy is proud I did what I loved and I am excelling in it. Not only were my parents not in support, but also friends and teachers. Everyone around me made me feel I have made a great mistake of choosing Physics over Medicine.

With grace and determination, I was able to cross over the sea of despondency. The vision is still in place and I am poised for the bright future ahead. I want to be in academia and become a geophysicist and research scientist that would help advance the understanding of the world around us.

“Possessions, fame, status, and power can never be substituted for a personal sense of purpose and significance. Until purpose is discovered, existence has no meaning, for purpose is the source of fulfillment” Dr. Myles Munroe

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

My advice to my brothers and sisters is this: Discover your purpose, appreciate the things you love make rightful choices based on that and be resilient to fulfill that purpose. To those who love Physics like me, don’t be discouraged by what others say about the course. Physics is an amazing course with so many career opportunities.

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Akua Gyan

    She is a genius! A woman achiever! and I’m so proud of her!

  2. Cornelius

    Awesome and inspiring article
    I love the personality of this individual.

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